Friday, July 8, 2011

Three Steps To Change Anything

Three Steps To Change Anything

To succeed in today’s ever-changing world, there is no such thing as status quo. We live in a consumer savvy, knowledge-based, microwave society. Today’s consumers can push a button and have information at their fingertips, and business in general is conducted at the speed of thought.

If we want an edge in today’s marketplace, we must embrace change. You may be asking, “Why should I change? My life is great.” Remember, the old adage, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always got.” Well, that’s just not true anymore. If you keep doing exactly what you have been doing in the past, you may not even be in business a year or two from now.

The individuals who embrace change with a constant improvement attitude have an advantage over their competition and a real edge in life. The following are the three steps necessary to making any change in your life:

Step 1 – Realization

If you are totally satisfied with where you are, then change will never happen. All change comes from realizing that change needs to be made. This means you need to get disturbed deep down inside about where you are. To change, you gotta get sick and tired of the situation you are in.

You must also think about the alternative to not changing. Ask yourself; “What is the worst thing that could happen in my life if I don’t change?” Will you get left behind, will you lose a competitive advantage or will you be able to maintain your current lifestyle?

“Change the way you view the world and your world will change.”

Step 2 – Preparation

The difference between amateurs and those who perform at the highest level is the amount of preparation they put forth concerning any area of their life. The top achievers in sales, business and life are willing to practice the basics until they master them. They know the game, they understand the products, they know their services and they know their competition.

“Preparation is the foundation for any level of achievement.”

Step 3 – Application

The best practice is “game time,” and in sales, “game time” is when you are in front of customers. The only way you can achieve long-term and measurable results is by applying the techniques you learn into your daily routine. You’ve got to use it or lose it.

When you apply the skills you learn they become a real part of you. Application gives you the incredible power to be, do or have anything you want in your life. You can grow in the direction you want to grow and your life will take on a new purpose and meaning. You will start to experience results with a speed and precision you never dreamed possible. And your life will change.

EXERCISE: What are some areas of your business or life that you want to change? Write down the areas that you feel are just not good enough anymore. What disturbs you?

EXERCISE: Write down the negative things that could happen if you do not change. What are the alternatives?

EXERCISE: Write down the positive possibilities that could happen if you embrace change.

Believe in Yourself….Raise the Bar….Move Mountains!


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