Friday, July 8, 2011

A New Beginning For Your Dreams

A New Beginning For Your Dreams

Gas is high! Sales are down! The economists predict doom and gloom and the media hypes the negatives. When this happens it’s easy for us to get caught up and let our attitudes slip downward. In times like we’re experiencing now, I’ve learned that we need to take a step back and say “enough is enough” and give our dreams a new beginning.

A dream is something that captures your heart. It ignites your passion and fills you with hope. Our dreams are often about and achieving great things. They are pictures we have of our lives in the future that will be greater than the past.

Too many people have lost their dreams. They drift through life and never expect anything to get better. They start thinking that this is all I’m ever going to have; I’ve gone as far as I can go. It’s so easy to get caught up in this way of thinking.

Never get stuck in a rut where you go through the same old routine day after day and year after year. You and I we’re not designed to stay in the same place, at the same level, doing the same thing over and over again. We’ve got to step out of complacency, explore new frontiers, and climb higher mountains.

It takes courage to dream. Anytime you dream there are risk involved. What if people laugh? What if it cost too much? What if I fail? I can tell you with great confidence that your best days are in front of you. You’ve just got to enlarge your vision, dream bigger dreams, and step outside of today’s box.

For me personally, I expect to be in a better place next year than I am today. Next year, I will be a better husband to my wife, a better father to my children, and a better leader to my team. I will have more wisdom and make better decisions. I will be more successful and I will live a happier, healthier, and wealthier life. You too should expect the same.

So, how do you do it? It’s actually much easier than you think. Here are three simple steps:

1. List Your Dreams. Get a pen and paper and write down everything you want to be, do, or have in the future. Include both personal and professional aspirations. Let your imagination run wild and be sure to write down all of your dreams — big and small.

2. Post Your Dreams. Make copies of your dream list and post them in places you will see them daily. For example, put a copy on your bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, by your bed, and on the dashboard in your car. This action will keep your dreams front and center.

3. Read Them Daily. It’s proven that we become what we think about most of the time. The more you look at your dreams and goals the more you think about them. This step will give you clarity, purpose, passion, and the power to follow through.

If you’ll write down your dreams, get them in front of you, and start reading them every day, you will give them a new beginning. You will get re-inspired, re-motivated, and you’ll start getting results. You will take the right actions, meet the right people, and your dreams will start to materialize.

I hope you follow these steps. I know it takes a little time but aren’t your dreams worth it? Of course they are! Don’t let anything hold you back. Your dreams today can be your reality tomorrow. Believe it…expect it…live it!!

Much Success....!!!!

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