Friday, July 8, 2011

Extraordinary Success...

Extraordinary Success

What do you think of when you think of Extraordinary Success? We often think of the multi-million dollar companies with multiple branches covering many cities. Many times we forget that the key to all major successes is people. Ordinary people, who are inspired, motivated, trained, and encouraged to live up to their full potential. It takes people to sell products and it takes people to get results.

So how do you gain, train and maintain quality people? First, you understand that ordinary people, properly trained, motivated and encouraged have the potential to become extraordinary achievers. If you want to build a successful team, here are a few keys to achieve results:

You must invest time, effort and energy into other people’s success. If people sense that you have a genuine interest in their success, they will go the extra mile to live up to your expectations.
Build on the basic fundamentals. Your job is to show people how they can succeed and give them a specific path that will lead to results. However, they must have a simple proven path to follow.
Never over promise and always over deliver. Never tell anyone that they can succeed with little effort. Talk about opportunity, purpose and passion. Tell people that you want them to succeed. Talk about the success, rewards and growth that are possible for them in their future.
Build their belief. People cannot have faith in their future, company, products, or leadership until they have faith in themselves. Let them know they have what it takes to make it. Get them into the field quickly and let them learn by doing. As they follow the plan, they will start to gain confidence and that confidence will increase their faith and belief in themselves and that is what success is really about. It’s about having a simple plan that you can measure actions and results.
Inspect what you expect. I believe in getting people started quickly by throwing them into the deep end and let them swim. However, you have to keep a close eye on them to make sure they are staying afloat and making progress. If they need help it is your duty to jump in and give them direction. Let them know your expectations for the future and throw them back in.
The biggest reason that most people don’t succeed in training others is they want to fly by the seat of their pants; they want to let the cream rise to the top. While it is true the cream will rise to the top, you are much more likely to attract the cream if you have a real plan, vision, and action steps that people need to succeed. It is true that if you interview enough people you will eventually find some pearls, but unless you have a real plan of action, you could leave a lot of your success to chance. On the other hand, if you make a commitment to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results, your chance of success increases tremendously.

While we live in a new age with sophisticated technology and advanced tools, it isn’t the hi-tech concept that’s important it’s the low-tech, basic fundamentals of the game. A properly laid out plan that you teach will give your team confidence in you and their future.

We must always keep in mind that everyone wants to be the best that they can be. They want to rise to the highest level and achieve their goals and dreams. They want to be a part of a winning team and when they feel that’s what you have to offer in leadership, skills, time management, and overall initiative they will move mountains to help you succeed as well.

Now is the time for leaders to become ready for the people. We must become ready with an effective support structure and ready with a willingness to discipline ourselves to develop our people to their fullest potential. We have to focus on growing quality people looking for the opportunity to grow themselves. And, they are out there in greater numbers than ever in the history of our country. You can attract these people to your team if you will take time to do your best and be your best and help other people achieve extraordinary success.

Believe in Yourself….Raise the Bar….Move Mountains!

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