Friday, July 8, 2011

Do you Know Where You’re Going????

Do you Know Where You’re Going?

People with dreams and goals succeed because of one primary reason: They know where they’re going.

In any game, you must determine what winning means to you — you gotta define success and you also have to determine what it will take to win. Think about it: a marathon runner has to know where the finish line is and the path to get there to win the race. A runner must develop a winning strategy that includes proper training, nutrition, hydration, pace setting and overcoming race-day obstacles. A runner must also know when to attempt to overtake the other competitors to get in a position to win. Skiers must know where the finish line is and how fast they need to get there to develop a strategy for winning the race. Hockey players have to know where the goal is before they can navigate around their opponents, anticipate the other players’ moves and get the puck past the goalie.

The same is true for you. You gotta know where you want to go and have a plan or strategy for how to get there. Otherwise, you could end up almost anywhere. The challenge for each of us is defining our destination. Each of us will have our own distinct definition of winning because we are unique in our individual dreams and aspirations. Knowing your destination makes the journey possible. This is how you measure results, keep score and determine whether you win the game. So, if you don’t have any dreams or goals, how will you know if you are succeeding?

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