Friday, July 8, 2011

Extraordinary Success...

Extraordinary Success

What do you think of when you think of Extraordinary Success? We often think of the multi-million dollar companies with multiple branches covering many cities. Many times we forget that the key to all major successes is people. Ordinary people, who are inspired, motivated, trained, and encouraged to live up to their full potential. It takes people to sell products and it takes people to get results.

So how do you gain, train and maintain quality people? First, you understand that ordinary people, properly trained, motivated and encouraged have the potential to become extraordinary achievers. If you want to build a successful team, here are a few keys to achieve results:

You must invest time, effort and energy into other people’s success. If people sense that you have a genuine interest in their success, they will go the extra mile to live up to your expectations.
Build on the basic fundamentals. Your job is to show people how they can succeed and give them a specific path that will lead to results. However, they must have a simple proven path to follow.
Never over promise and always over deliver. Never tell anyone that they can succeed with little effort. Talk about opportunity, purpose and passion. Tell people that you want them to succeed. Talk about the success, rewards and growth that are possible for them in their future.
Build their belief. People cannot have faith in their future, company, products, or leadership until they have faith in themselves. Let them know they have what it takes to make it. Get them into the field quickly and let them learn by doing. As they follow the plan, they will start to gain confidence and that confidence will increase their faith and belief in themselves and that is what success is really about. It’s about having a simple plan that you can measure actions and results.
Inspect what you expect. I believe in getting people started quickly by throwing them into the deep end and let them swim. However, you have to keep a close eye on them to make sure they are staying afloat and making progress. If they need help it is your duty to jump in and give them direction. Let them know your expectations for the future and throw them back in.
The biggest reason that most people don’t succeed in training others is they want to fly by the seat of their pants; they want to let the cream rise to the top. While it is true the cream will rise to the top, you are much more likely to attract the cream if you have a real plan, vision, and action steps that people need to succeed. It is true that if you interview enough people you will eventually find some pearls, but unless you have a real plan of action, you could leave a lot of your success to chance. On the other hand, if you make a commitment to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results, your chance of success increases tremendously.

While we live in a new age with sophisticated technology and advanced tools, it isn’t the hi-tech concept that’s important it’s the low-tech, basic fundamentals of the game. A properly laid out plan that you teach will give your team confidence in you and their future.

We must always keep in mind that everyone wants to be the best that they can be. They want to rise to the highest level and achieve their goals and dreams. They want to be a part of a winning team and when they feel that’s what you have to offer in leadership, skills, time management, and overall initiative they will move mountains to help you succeed as well.

Now is the time for leaders to become ready for the people. We must become ready with an effective support structure and ready with a willingness to discipline ourselves to develop our people to their fullest potential. We have to focus on growing quality people looking for the opportunity to grow themselves. And, they are out there in greater numbers than ever in the history of our country. You can attract these people to your team if you will take time to do your best and be your best and help other people achieve extraordinary success.

Believe in Yourself….Raise the Bar….Move Mountains!

A New Beginning For Your Dreams

A New Beginning For Your Dreams

Gas is high! Sales are down! The economists predict doom and gloom and the media hypes the negatives. When this happens it’s easy for us to get caught up and let our attitudes slip downward. In times like we’re experiencing now, I’ve learned that we need to take a step back and say “enough is enough” and give our dreams a new beginning.

A dream is something that captures your heart. It ignites your passion and fills you with hope. Our dreams are often about and achieving great things. They are pictures we have of our lives in the future that will be greater than the past.

Too many people have lost their dreams. They drift through life and never expect anything to get better. They start thinking that this is all I’m ever going to have; I’ve gone as far as I can go. It’s so easy to get caught up in this way of thinking.

Never get stuck in a rut where you go through the same old routine day after day and year after year. You and I we’re not designed to stay in the same place, at the same level, doing the same thing over and over again. We’ve got to step out of complacency, explore new frontiers, and climb higher mountains.

It takes courage to dream. Anytime you dream there are risk involved. What if people laugh? What if it cost too much? What if I fail? I can tell you with great confidence that your best days are in front of you. You’ve just got to enlarge your vision, dream bigger dreams, and step outside of today’s box.

For me personally, I expect to be in a better place next year than I am today. Next year, I will be a better husband to my wife, a better father to my children, and a better leader to my team. I will have more wisdom and make better decisions. I will be more successful and I will live a happier, healthier, and wealthier life. You too should expect the same.

So, how do you do it? It’s actually much easier than you think. Here are three simple steps:

1. List Your Dreams. Get a pen and paper and write down everything you want to be, do, or have in the future. Include both personal and professional aspirations. Let your imagination run wild and be sure to write down all of your dreams — big and small.

2. Post Your Dreams. Make copies of your dream list and post them in places you will see them daily. For example, put a copy on your bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, by your bed, and on the dashboard in your car. This action will keep your dreams front and center.

3. Read Them Daily. It’s proven that we become what we think about most of the time. The more you look at your dreams and goals the more you think about them. This step will give you clarity, purpose, passion, and the power to follow through.

If you’ll write down your dreams, get them in front of you, and start reading them every day, you will give them a new beginning. You will get re-inspired, re-motivated, and you’ll start getting results. You will take the right actions, meet the right people, and your dreams will start to materialize.

I hope you follow these steps. I know it takes a little time but aren’t your dreams worth it? Of course they are! Don’t let anything hold you back. Your dreams today can be your reality tomorrow. Believe it…expect it…live it!!

Much Success....!!!!

Three Steps To Change Anything

Three Steps To Change Anything

To succeed in today’s ever-changing world, there is no such thing as status quo. We live in a consumer savvy, knowledge-based, microwave society. Today’s consumers can push a button and have information at their fingertips, and business in general is conducted at the speed of thought.

If we want an edge in today’s marketplace, we must embrace change. You may be asking, “Why should I change? My life is great.” Remember, the old adage, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always got.” Well, that’s just not true anymore. If you keep doing exactly what you have been doing in the past, you may not even be in business a year or two from now.

The individuals who embrace change with a constant improvement attitude have an advantage over their competition and a real edge in life. The following are the three steps necessary to making any change in your life:

Step 1 – Realization

If you are totally satisfied with where you are, then change will never happen. All change comes from realizing that change needs to be made. This means you need to get disturbed deep down inside about where you are. To change, you gotta get sick and tired of the situation you are in.

You must also think about the alternative to not changing. Ask yourself; “What is the worst thing that could happen in my life if I don’t change?” Will you get left behind, will you lose a competitive advantage or will you be able to maintain your current lifestyle?

“Change the way you view the world and your world will change.”

Step 2 – Preparation

The difference between amateurs and those who perform at the highest level is the amount of preparation they put forth concerning any area of their life. The top achievers in sales, business and life are willing to practice the basics until they master them. They know the game, they understand the products, they know their services and they know their competition.

“Preparation is the foundation for any level of achievement.”

Step 3 – Application

The best practice is “game time,” and in sales, “game time” is when you are in front of customers. The only way you can achieve long-term and measurable results is by applying the techniques you learn into your daily routine. You’ve got to use it or lose it.

When you apply the skills you learn they become a real part of you. Application gives you the incredible power to be, do or have anything you want in your life. You can grow in the direction you want to grow and your life will take on a new purpose and meaning. You will start to experience results with a speed and precision you never dreamed possible. And your life will change.

EXERCISE: What are some areas of your business or life that you want to change? Write down the areas that you feel are just not good enough anymore. What disturbs you?

EXERCISE: Write down the negative things that could happen if you do not change. What are the alternatives?

EXERCISE: Write down the positive possibilities that could happen if you embrace change.

Believe in Yourself….Raise the Bar….Move Mountains!



Change is the big buzz word in today’s society. It’s on television, in newspapers, and in magazines. Preachers talk about it, late night infomercials sell you on it, and Politicians promise it. People attend seminars to change their habits, hire coaches to inspire change, and we’re always hearing about the latest book that instructs us on how to change and why we should do it.

Think about it – In the business world, companies spend billions of dollars investing in change for the future. They hire “Change Gurus,” and “Motivation Specialists” to light a fire in their employees so they accept change within the organization. Companies invest in their employees and the expected result is for them to embrace change. Business owners, leaders, and managers spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to get employees to change their actions.

Here’s my question, if change is so important and everyone knows it’s needed and… everyone says they want it…then why is it so hard to change? Why do very few people succeed in transforming themselves to achieve the desired results?

The answer is very simple. It is because most people look to their outside world to change first before they change what’s inside their hearts and minds. It seems that most people are waiting for the economy to get better or their doctor to give them a magic pill before they make the effort to improve their lives. They will change their attitude and effort as soon as something in their outside world changes. Some people will only make the necessary changes until they’re promoted or they have to fill a new position. A lot of people refrain from putting forth the effort to be the top producer until business conditions are perfect or until they have a new super duper product that will sell itself.

Here’s the problem. This NEVER works! The magic pill or bullet never arrives. Unless someone is willing to look in the mirror and make a serious committed decision to take different actions on a daily basis… change will never happen. Most people do not hold themselves accountable for their own results and end up in a never ending vicious cycle of despair. Here’s the truth. Change is hard! If it were easy then everybody would do it. It’s easy to give others advice on how to change but it’s hard to live our own device. Take it from me. It’s easier for me to teach how to change rather than live the change I need. The truth of the matter is that old habits are really hard to break.

To change, we have to liberate ourselves from old habits. We have to re-train our brain for it dictates our beliefs. Our beliefs determine our actions and it is our consistent actions that will produce results. If you want different results then you have to take different actions on a consistent basis. Leadership expert, John C. Maxwell says “Your life changes when you change something you do every day.”

You can be the most motivated and optimistic person in the world. However, it is not until you look in the mirror and change the person you see that your “world” will improve.

Here’s the good news. The magic pill or bullet is you! Yes, change is possible and anyone including you can do it. A little commitment backed up with belief, hope, and action can turn a challenging life into a spectacular experience initiated by change.

So how do you change? Here’s the first step. Look in the mirror and ask yourself these five questions:

1. What’s holding me back and keeping me from realizing my dreams? This is the hardest question you’ll ever ask in your life because it’s directed at YOU! You have to admit to yourself that you know the answer and you do. I personally ask myself this question all the time. I knew the answer the first time I asked myself this question but I wanted to justify and rationalize my answer and make excuses. Write down your answer.
2. What excuses have I used in the past that have held me back from making the necessary changes to my life?There is no shortage of excuses such as “The status quo is not so bad.,” “I don’t have the time.,” or my boss is a jerk. Write down your excuses and justifications.
3. What’s the worst that could happen if I don’t change? Write down exactly what you believe could happen and where could you end up.
4. What positive outcomes could I experience if I made changes to my life? Write down five positive results that could happen if you made these changes.
5. What new actions must I take to permanently change my life and to never be held back again? Write down at least five actions.

If you asked yourself these questions and were truthful with your answers, there’s no doubt you experienced many emotions. Some emotions such as denial, sorrow, and regret may have triggered painful and negative memories of opportunities lost. That’s okay for it’s in the past and its part of the change process and you now need a wake-up call.

You also probably experienced some positive emotions such as hope, excitement, and joy about the possibilities of what your life could be like if you just make the transformation. That’s good because you must have hope in the future to have power in the present.

This leads us to the here and now – current reality. You’ve thought about change. You know the benefits of change but now you actually have to change your daily routine. To make lasting change, I firmly believe you must eliminate old self destructive habits and replace them with a new life empowering attitude. It’s vital that you make the effort and do the following:

1. Train your subconscious mind and use your imagination. All change begins in the theater of your mind. Reserve at least 5-minutes every morning and night to visualize yourself taking the daily actions and experiencing the benefits of your new life. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between something you imagine and something real. Imagining your new self will actually empower you to say, do, act, and react in the way you want to experience real life on a daily basis.
2. Train your conscious mind and body. This means deliberately making yourself take actions you imagined as the day unfolds. This has to be a conscious effort on your part. It will be hard at first but you must face any fears head on and take the actions necessary to change. Fight through any initial pain for it will become easier and easier and more pleasurable each time you take action and put forth the effort toward the target you want to hit.
3. Reinforce your emotions on a daily basis. This means using empowering words out loud. Tell yourself who you are even if you are not there yet. Celebrate success every step of the way. Give yourself “Kudos.” Tell yourself that “It’s all good!” Look in the mirror and tell yourself every day that you are getting better and better. The more you can engage your mind and body the better you will become. Tell yourself that “Yes, I have the power” and “All I need is within me now.”

Finally, you need to understand that daily motivation is important to keeping your mind right and staying focused. The key is for you to read inspiring books, collaborate with encouraging people, and listen to positive audio programs instead of saturating your mind with negative media. However, motivation alone is not enough. Your passion is what will keep you in the game. You acquire passion by understanding the reasons why you need to change.

To stay on track long term, you must have significant reasons to inspire you to change and always follow your heart because it never lies to you. Write down three passionate reasons why you must make the changes. Is it because you want to live with more purpose and energy? Do you want live longer? Do you want to make more money and be debt free? Will your relationships be better if you were to change? What’s your “Why?” Your “Why” will give you purpose and passion. Each of these areas of your life will be different but just like you know what’s holding you back you also know why you must change.

Keep all the reasons on why you must change on a piece of paper so you will always know and understand that the changes are worth it. We must all have reasons to stay in the game. It is the reasons that make the journey much more fun and in the end you always say “It was worth the effort” and “I’m glad I did it.”

I believe in you. You were born with a purpose and tons of potential. My mentor, Zig Ziglar says “You were endowed with the seeds of greatness.” I’m telling you that it’s up to you and only you to seek out your purpose and effectively use your unlimited potential so that you achieve Greatness. It all starts with you looking in the mirror and saying “I’m going to do it, that’s it period. No more excuses!” Always remember, “Reasons don’t matter, only results.” You can do it!

To your success,



I am the Heart of a Champion

I Beat for Good…Never Bad

I Choose to Lead…Never Follow

I Live to Give…Never Take

I am a Force in Motion with E-motion

I Have the Power to Dream…I Dream it

I Have the Power to Believe…I Believe it

I Have the Power to Achieve…I Achieve it

Today is a New Beginning

What limited me before …Can’ t Stop me now

I get Knocked Down…I get Back Up

Temporary Setbacks…only Make Me Stronger

I know That Teamwork Makes the Dream work

Winner Takes All…Loser Goes Home

I Never Give Up…I Never Give In

I Fight With My Team…and Together We Win

I am the Heart of a Champion


How to MOTIVATE Yourself????

Are you MOTIVATED? If so, for how long?

Staying MOTIVATED is something we all struggle with at some point in life. Lack of MOTIVATION can cost us friends, sales, and even the ultimate success we desire.

To maintain lasting MOTIVATION we must be intentional with it. To be intentionally MOTIVATED we must learn to recognize when we are UNMOTIVATED and then intentionally force ourselves to do the things that will MOTIVATE us.

Think about this. If we learn to recognize our thinking has become negative and we intentionally read a good book, listen to an inspiring audio, or call a “positive” friend/mentor…chances are our level of MOTIVATION will increase.

Or, if we are overweight and we intentionally start an exercise routine and eat properly…we’ll feel better. Even though we may not “want” to do these things we must “will” ourselves to do them anyway. Why? Because once we take the necessary steps we will attain a MOTIVATIONAL breakthrough.

To be intentional with MOTIVATION we must have clear goals and dreams that we are pursuing. Yes…we must be intentional with goal setting too. This means we must intentionally write down specific “goals” we want to achieve and a time targets for hitting them. We do this because having clear goals is an important part of getting and staying MOTIVATED.

You may ask; “do I have to do this on bad days too?” In the words of legendary author Tom Peters “Leaders aren’t allowed to have Bad days… especially on bad days.” You see, ACTION doesn’t come from MOTIVATION… MOTIVATION comes from ACTION.

Once we learn the good habit of being intentional with our consistent actions…MOTIVATION becomes a natural part of who we are. Can our motivation slip? You bet! However, when we learn how to MOTIVATE ourselves, we will know exactly what to do to get back on track and…WE’LL JUST DO IT!

I welcome your Comments below…Thank you!

Does Competition Make You Better????

O consistently win long-term and become an SUPERSTAR in your game you gotta gain and maintain a competitive advantage. This distinct advantage is what allows you to consistently outperform the competition and succeed at the highest level.

Some people have convinced themselves that to get a competitive advantage means disregarding the rules or cheating in some way. Nothing could be further from the truth. To get a competitice advantage you gotta do something every day your competition don’t or won’t . This means getting up earlier, staying later, going the extra mile and developing a Whatever It Takes attitude. You must also challenge yourself and believe in yourself, and you gotta want to win. Lastly…Get Started Now!

Do you Know Where You’re Going????

Do you Know Where You’re Going?

People with dreams and goals succeed because of one primary reason: They know where they’re going.

In any game, you must determine what winning means to you — you gotta define success and you also have to determine what it will take to win. Think about it: a marathon runner has to know where the finish line is and the path to get there to win the race. A runner must develop a winning strategy that includes proper training, nutrition, hydration, pace setting and overcoming race-day obstacles. A runner must also know when to attempt to overtake the other competitors to get in a position to win. Skiers must know where the finish line is and how fast they need to get there to develop a strategy for winning the race. Hockey players have to know where the goal is before they can navigate around their opponents, anticipate the other players’ moves and get the puck past the goalie.

The same is true for you. You gotta know where you want to go and have a plan or strategy for how to get there. Otherwise, you could end up almost anywhere. The challenge for each of us is defining our destination. Each of us will have our own distinct definition of winning because we are unique in our individual dreams and aspirations. Knowing your destination makes the journey possible. This is how you measure results, keep score and determine whether you win the game. So, if you don’t have any dreams or goals, how will you know if you are succeeding?

Make A Comeback.......

In Life there are times when we get knocked down. Too often we are tempted to just sit there and and get all caught up in today’s challenges. But, if you are going to achieve your full potential, you’ve got to bounce back mentally.

Lance Armstrong overcame incredible odds to become a seven-time Tour de France (the most prestigious race in cycling) champion. In 1996, although he had never won the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong was the number one ranked cyclist in the world. But in October of that year, Lance discovered he had advanced testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and brain. Chances for his recovery were less than 50 percent. He endured two surgeries, including brain surgery and chemotherapy. Although he was weak, Lance started to think about racing again only five months after his diagnosis. Unfortunately, to add insult to injury, his sponsor had dropped him.

But Lance didn’t let that stop him. He decided to make a comeback. In 1998, he declared victory over cancer and returned to racing. The road back was long and hard, with many challenges and discouragements. But just one year later, in 1999, Lance won the Tour de France. Amazingly, he is now the only person in history to have won the race seven years in a row. What a comeback!

The question is, if Lance Armstrong had never experienced the adversity of cancer, would he have become the greatest cyclist in history? In his book, Every Second Counts (Broadway, 2003), he gives us the answer: “I’ve often said that cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me … the fact is that I wouldn’t have won even a single Tour de France without the lesson of illness.”

How about you? Are you experiencing adversity in your business or life?
Are you letting it hold you back? Depending on how you choose to react, it can make you stronger and you can make a comeback.

How do you become a comeback person? Ask yourself the following:

1. What’s good about this situation or what could be good about this challenge?
2. What can I learn from this experience so I can be better in the future?
3. What are some new actions I can take today and what can I do more of in the future that will help me rise to new levels?

Finally, get up every morning and look in the mirror and say “I am an honest, goal setting, self motivated positive person. I look good, I feel good, and I am moving closer to my dreams.

Remember to be the type of person who provides a service that other people need and fill that need and make friends along the way.

To your success,


People With Dreams and Goals....

Why do people with goals and dreams succeed? They succeed because of one primary reason: They know where they’re going. In any game, you must determine what winning means to you — you gotta define success and you also have to determine what it will take to win.

Think about it: a marathon runner has to know where the finish line is and the path to get there to win the race. A runner must develop a winning strategy that includes proper training, nutrition, hydration, pace setting and overcoming race-day obstacles. A runner must also know when to attempt to overtake the other competitors to get in a position to win. Skiers must know where the finish line is and how fast they need to get there to develop a strategy for winning the race. Hockey players have to know where the goal is before they can navigate around their opponents, anticipate the other players’ moves and get the puck past the goalie.

The same is true for you. You gotta know where you want to go and have a plan or strategy for how to get there. Otherwise, you could end up almost anywhere. The challenge for each of us is defining our destination. Each of us will have our own distinct definition of winning because we are unique in our individual dreams and aspirations.

Knowing your destination makes the journey possible. This is how you measure results, keep score and determine whether you win the game. So, if you don’t have any dreams or goals, how will you know if you are succeeding?

To your success,


How To Initiate Your Launch....

When it comes to performance, I believe that initiative is the power to originate something and the drive to finish what you’ve started. Some people get started but never finish; others have great follow-through when they do get started but don’t take enough action to make a difference. Simply put…If you want towin…You gotta begin. And, you gotta finish what you started.

Initiative also inspires others and helps them to action. Action begats action.! Individuals who take initiative commit themselves to completing their tasks—for their benefit and their team’s benefit.

The bottom line is… by taking initiative you help ensure the success of your company and team. In doing so you will do more than survive…you will thrive. Having the right products and services along with timing is important. However, initiative is what sets the superstars apart from the average performers. Get Started Now!

Do you Know Where You’re Going????

Do you Know Where You’re Going?
People with dreams and goals succeed because of one primary reason: They know where they’re going.
In any game, you must determine what winning means to you — you gotta define success and you also have to determine what it will take to win. Think about it: a marathon runner has to know where the finish line is and the path to get there to win the race. A runner must develop a winning strategy that includes proper training, nutrition, hydration, pace setting and overcoming race-day obstacles. A runner must also know when to attempt to overtake the other competitors to get in a position to win. Skiers must know where the finish line is and how fast they need to get there to develop a strategy for winning the race. Hockey players have to know where the goal is before they can navigate around their opponents, anticipate the other players’ moves and get the puck past the goalie.
The same is true for you. You gotta know where you want to go and have a plan or strategy for how to get there. Otherwise, you could end up almost anywhere. The challenge for each of us is defining our destination. Each of us will have our own distinct definition of winning because we are unique in our individual dreams and aspirations. Knowing your destination makes the journey possible. This is how you measure results, keep score and determine whether you win the game. So, if you don’t have any dreams or goals, how will you know if you are succeeding?

Expect Victory...

Do you wake up some mornings thinking, “This is going to be a lousy day” or “Nothing good ever happens to me”? If you have an important presentation to make, do you tell yourself, “I don’t have a chance at closing this sale”? If you have this type of thinking, how does your day turn out? Do you make the sale? I’d be willing to bet you get exactly the results you expected.
Winners wake up every morning with excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence, knowing that success is in store for them. Top performers set their minds for victory; they set their minds for success.
Setting your mind for success doesn’t happen automatically. You have to constantly tell yourself “today is a great day, good things are happening, and new and exciting doors are opening.” Go out each and every day believing success will come your way.
Now, you may think, “My business isn’t doing well, nobody will buy from me, and I can’t pay my bills. How can I live with enthusiasm? How can I be positive when I have so many problems?”
You gotta make a decision that you’re going to have confident expectancy about everything you do. You have to continually expect that things are going to get better. Positive expectation is a conscious choice and a habit of faith. It is a conscious choice to see a positive outcome instead of a negative one. As you think, so it is created. As you believe, so it is done.
Expectancy is about seeing beyond where you are. Look out into the future and see yourself as successful, happy, and enthusiastic. See sales coming your way, see yourself having all the contacts you want and watch your income soar. See things better than they are . . . see them as you want them to be. Develop a habit of focusing on what’s right in your world instead of what’s wrong, on what you have instead of what you don’t have, on your talents instead of on your weaknesses. You’re probably asking, “What if I do that and it doesn’t work?”
My question to you is, “What if you do it and it does work?”
If you will consistently think about and focus on what you want, you will ultimately get it. By focusing on positive thoughts, you open up your mind to start attracting success. This is why top salespeople seem to effortlessly sell so much more than average negative-thinking salespeople. People want to do business with positive, upbeat, successful individuals.
When things look impossible or you’re tempted to go through the day negative and self-destructive, that is when you have to step up and change your belief level. Expect good things to happen. Expect to rise above your challenges. Expect victory!
When those around you predict doom and gloom for everything from the economy to your dreams and goals, remember that success in life, business and sales is mostly a mental game. Your thoughts will drive your results, your success, even your destiny. So proactively focus on the positive, defend your mind against the negative, and expect victory. You have the power to choose your thoughts and your attitude and, therefore, your success.

Do You Have Leadership Vision?????

Do You Have Leadership Vision?

Did you know there is nothing more powerful to change and shape an organization than a compelling vision from an inspirational leader?

Do you have leadership vision? If so, do you have the proper strategy to expand your vision and lead your team at the highest level?

I can’t answer for you. But I do know we must plan differently and think more creatively than we have in the past if we expect to achieve the success we desire in the future.

Years ago I heard, “If you keep doing what you have always done you are gonna keep getting what you have always got.” However, this has changed: Today, if you keep doing what you have always done you may not even be in business a few years from now.

Isn’t it astounding how fast change occurs these days? The issues and challenges we face will only accelerate as time advances. Our culture demands that we adapt to change to meet life head-on.

So, here are our challenges now:

· How do we lead our team to the next level?

· How do we promote our mission and values while competing in a world that continues to change at a record pace?

· And how do we accomplish our goals and still remain anchored to the basic fundamentals that brought us to the game.

Ready to get started?

Five Ways to get a Fast Start in L!Fe....

Five Ways to get a Fast Start in LIFE

As unbelievable as it sounds. When you started the year you set important goals to reach. If you are on target to achieving your goals, A VERY SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS!

If not, it is very important to determine exactly why you are not meeting your goals. Then, even more important, take specific action steps to make certain that your time, talents and abilities are properly focused on the results you desire.

Whether you are on target to reach your goals or lagging behind, it is important for you to focus on what you can do more of (and even less of) in in life to achieve your goals.

Successful people consistently ask themselves the following questions: “What is it that I want to achieve?” And “What can I do to attain it?”

The following are five keys to get a fast start in Life:

FAITH (You must believe achieving your goals and dreams is possible)
COMMITMENT (You must commit yourself to see that your goals become real)
PREPARATION (A good plan is the foundation for your goal achievement)
IMPLEMENTATION (Your plan will never work unless you implement it)
MASSIVE ACTION (You must take consistent massive action until your goal becomes reality)
If you are not growing as fast and as successful as you would like to, it is vital that you SET NEW GOALS TODAY. So, take 15 minutes today and write down everything you want to achieve in 2010 . Select your top five goals and write them on a 3×5 index card and place them in an area where you can review them every day. Then, put a simple plan together, and launch toward making life your best life ever.

Believe in Yourself… Raise the Bar…Move Mountains.....!!!!

Dream a Little Dream....

There’s power in dreams. From all that I have seen time and time again, 90% of success derives from having a dream because dreams are what will drive you to the next level. They are the targets you are striving for that move you in the direction of your ultimate destination.

Goals are dreams with deadlines. Goals are a means of measuring results and keeping score. Most people don’t know what they really want so they wander around with no clarity about what they want to do or have in life. They have no purpose and, therefore, they have no passion.

The top salespeople know what they want. They have specific goals and dreams that they are shooting for and they stay clearly focused on their target until they hit it.

I have found that the biggest mistake people make is not writing down what they want. You may have thought a lot about your goals and dreams, but if they aren’t written down, I’ll be willing to bet you aren’t getting the results you desire. If you truly want results, you must get them on paper.

I suggest you make a list of five things you want to accomplish personally and five things you want to accomplish professionally in the next year.

How to Stay Ahead of the Game!.....

You’ve probably heard me say that if you keep doing what you’ve always done you might not be in business or have a job a year or two from now.

There is a danger that you will see the changes as happening to someone else or as something or has having nothing to do with your personal life. However, you and I have to know the next decade will be much different than the last. The process of change itself has changed radically … in fact, it is taking place more rapidly than ever. Change today is instantaneous in a way that most people could never have imagined.

These changes are going to affect you whether you are part of a corporation, are just entering the workforce or are a homemaker. You have two choices. You can wait on the sidelines while others pass you by or you can take advantage of the incredible new opportunities in front of you. My goal is for you to lead like you’ve never lead before and be ahead of the Game.

How do you do it???? Get up earlier, stay later, ask your boss, ask your employees, ask your customers, ask your kids, ask your competition(haha), read , listen,listen .listen, take lots of action, learn from your SUCCESSES, Learn from your mistakes…And…TAKE LOTS MORE ACTION!, TODAY!!!!!!

Success is a Decision Away....

Success always begins with a clear decision backed up with Masssive,Focused Consistent Action. The actions you take everyday will makes you who you will be someday.

OK, You Have a Dream. Do You Believe????

Once you have a dream and know why you are working for that dream, it is time to build your belief. Belief is the feeling of certainty that something is going to happen.

Believe it or not, beliefs control the world. Nations go to war over them. People get married and divorced over them. They determine the car you drive and the physical shape you are in. They also determine how you act or react to any given suituation.

Beliefs are the single most powerful driving force in the universe. They have the power to drive you to action and help you achieve more than ever before. On the other hand, negative beliefs can destroy your dreams and leave you wounded and on the sidelines of life.

Human performance is directly related to beliefs. What you do in any given situation is based on your belief that if you do a certain action, you get a certain results. If you believe in your dreams and you have hope in the future, then you will be energized to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to make your dreams a reality.


You Know Your Dream Is Real If:

- You are willing to go out and fight for it.
- You are willing to work day and night for it.
- You are willing to give up your time, peace and sleep for it.
- You are willing to relentlessly plan for it.
- You are willing to take great risks for it.
- You are willing to face your fears and opposition for it.
- You are willing to help others in the process of achieving it.
- You are willing to persevere through many rejections for it.
- You are willing to raise your bar and raise your standards for it.

If you are willing to take the above nine actions and if (#10) you can’t go a day without
thinking about IT…you know YOU DREAM IS REAL.

Dream and Goals and Sales Success, Oh My....

While most of us will never be star athletes or win Olympic gold medals, we all can perform at the top of our own game. But to do that, you gotta have a dream.

A dream is what inspires you to get off the bench and get into the game. Dreams are the big vision of what you would be, do, or have if money and time were no object. To accomplish

your dreams you gotta turn them into specific goals. They are the targets you strive for and the signposts that move and guide you in the direction of your ultimate dreams. Goals are also a means of “keeping score” so that you can determine if you’re winning the game.

Dreams and goals help you know where you’re going. But they can do more than guide you. As a salesperson, goal-setting is without a doubt one of the primary determinants of your income. Salespeople who have dreams and clearly defined goals make 80 percent of the money.

Based on my experiences and observations, I’ve concluded that at least 90 percent of success derives from having a dream and knowing what you want. When I coach others, I stress that they have to focus on their dreams. If they already have dreams, they almost always need to redefine them and make them bigger. Then I teach them a simple but powerful system for achieving their dreams and goals.

What is your dream?

Where Are Your Dreams and Goals????

There’s power in dreams. From all that I have seen time and time again, 90% of success derives from having a dream. Dreams are what will drive you to the next level. They are the targets you are striving for that move you in the direction of your ultimate destination.

Goals are dreams with deadlines. Goals are a means of measuring results and keeping score. Most people don’t know what they really want so they wander around with no clarity about what they want to do or have in life. They have no purpose and, therefore, they have no passion.

The top salespeople know what they want. They have specific goals and dreams that they are shooting for and they stay clearly focused on their target until they hit them.

I have found that the biggest mistake people make is not writing down what they want. You may have thought a lot about your goals and dreams, but if they aren’t written down, I’ll be willing to bet you aren’t getting the results you desire. If you truly want results, you must get them on paper.

So, do this: Make a list of 5 things you want to accomplish personally and 5 things you want to accomplish professionally in the next year.

We r coming....

The way for get more than you think.........